From Figma to
Website in
Install the Workbench Figma plugin, and effortlessly convert your Figma designs into fully functional websites.
Download on the Figma Store
Your Design File
The workbench workflow is optimized for going from Figma to website with the best user experience ever.
Creating a
Starting with Workbench today is easier than you think.
Your Website
The plugin takes care of adapting your design to workebench’s layout tools in real-time, so
you can focus solely on making a
great website.
Start using Workbench
Design to code
Skip the grunt work and speed up production
automated front-end code that developers can actually use.
Download on the Figma Store
Perfect for
Collaborating in real time
Design to Code
Working privately, offline
Publish your website
Speed up your work
“We’ve been using Worbench to kick start every new project and can’t imagine working without it.”
Bruno Delorence
Head of Design, Unimal
Skip the manual HTML
conversion process.
Interactive & responsive prototypes
Use your existing design tool to create high-
fidelity prototypes that behave like the final
Design to Code
Skip the grunt work and speed up production
with automated front-end code that
developers can actually use.
Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know about the Workbench product.
How do I install the plugin in Figma?
Do i have to create account?
To install the plugin, go to the “Plugins” menu in Figma, click on “Manage Plugins,” and search for our plugin in the search bar. Click “Install” next to the plugin’s name, and it will be added to your list of plugins.
What types of design files are supported by the plugin?
The plugin supports design files created in Figma, including all elements such as text, images, icons, and components. Make sure your file is well-organized and properly named for the best results.
Can I customize the code generated by the plugin?
Yes, the code generated by the plugin is fully customizable. You can edit it as needed to adjust the layout, add functionalities, or enhance the website’s performance. The code is clean and well-structured to facilitate customization.
Does the plugin support Figma’s animations and interactions?
Yes, the plugin converts basic animations and interactions created in Figma. However, for complex animations, additional adjustments in the generated code might be necessary to ensure smooth transitions.
How do I handle responsiveness issues on the generated website?
The plugin generates a responsive layout by default, using best practices in CSS and HTML. If you encounter responsiveness issues, review the CSS styles and use media queries to adjust the design for different screen sizes.
What should I do if I encounter a bug or error during the conversion?
A: If you encounter a bug or error, please contact our technical support at Provide details about the issue and, if possible, include screenshots or sample files so we can assist you more effectively.
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© 2023 Workench powered by unimal
From Figma to 
Website in seconds.
Your layer structure and naming will all be carried over, so it is easy to pick up where you've left off. 
You can continue editing your website and make it more engaging, or you can simply hit the publish button.
Download on the Figma Store
Your Design File
The workbench workflow is optimized for going from Figma to website with the best user experience ever.
Guides & Courses
Free design templates
Your Website
The plugin takes care of adapting your design to workebench’s layout tools in real-time, so
you can focus solely on making a
great website.
Start using Workbench
Design to code
Skip the grunt work and speed up production
automated front-end code that developers can actually use.
Download on the Figma Store
Perfect for
Collaborating in real time
Design to Code
Working privately, offline
Publish your website
Speed up your work
“We’ve been using Worbench to kick start every new project and can’t imagine working without it.”
Bruno Delorence
Head of Design, Unimal
Skip the manual HTML
conversion process.
Interactive & responsive prototypes
Use your existing design tool to create high-
fidelity prototypes that behave like the final
Design to Code
Skip the grunt work and speed up production
with automated front-end code that
developers can actually use.
Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know about the Workbench product.
How do I install the plugin in Figma?
Do i have to create account?
To install the plugin, go to the “Plugins” menu in Figma, click on “Manage Plugins,” and search for our plugin in the search bar. Click “Install” next to the plugin’s name, and it will be added to your list of plugins.
What types of design files are supported by the plugin?
The plugin supports design files created in Figma, including all elements such as text, images, icons, and components. Make sure your file is well-organized and properly named for the best results.
Can I customize the code generated by the plugin?
Yes, the code generated by the plugin is fully customizable. You can edit it as needed to adjust the layout, add functionalities, or enhance the website’s performance. The code is clean and well-structured to facilitate customization.
Does the plugin support Figma’s animations and interactions?
Yes, the plugin converts basic animations and interactions created in Figma. However, for complex animations, additional adjustments in the generated code might be necessary to ensure smooth transitions.
How do I handle responsiveness issues on the generated website?
The plugin generates a responsive layout by default, using best practices in CSS and HTML. If you encounter responsiveness issues, review the CSS styles and use media queries to adjust the design for different screen sizes.
What should I do if I encounter a bug or error during the conversion?
A: If you encounter a bug or error, please contact our technical support at Provide details about the issue and, if possible, include screenshots or sample files so we can assist you more effectively.